Fitness Table - Physical truth about Training by Yourself

Table tennis fitness Katharine Ford is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the greatest number of people by teaching and training others in the techniques of the classic table fitness gym to Table TCP Inc. Vancouver Studio fitness table.

Katharine has over 13 years of experience in teaching, training, education and participation in the method of life table test table Katharine discovered the advantages of the method of the table of the club in 1998 while training as a competitive swimmer and actor.Table tennis fitness with this intensive training fitness table, fitness test table Katharine was invited to open a table Fitness Studio in Vancouver. In 2009, with the guidance and support of Patricia and Teresa Maybury Calgary Cadrin Small (TCP) in Montreal, Katharine became certified instructor Fitness Table TCP. Soon after, in September 2009, Katharine has the license and Fitness Table TCP opened the Vancouver Studio Inc..

Katharine training fitness table includes over 400 hours of training in both theoretical and practical anatomy, physiology, movement therapy, therapeutic stretching and Table TCP fitness method.

Katharine also holds a Certificate Program Level 1 National Coaching Certification (NCCP) in swimming. Fitness table coaching swimmers began in 1999 and resulted in the two age groups and swimmers and triathletes Masters, table tennis fitness both recreational and competitive. Katharine has over 20 years experience as a competitor and coach in competitive swimming experience. Besides his work table fitness, Katharine is currently vice president of UBC club jackets.

In 2004, table tennis fitness Katharine received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting degree program that has been operating in Canada: University of Alberta. She also has a degree in theater and speech at Mount Royal College (1999). Fitness table his studies have included extensive training in movement, dance and song, these studies complement their repertoire to understand and exemplify how and why the body moves in space.

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